TESLA - Corner sofa by Mantellassi 1926
TESLA - Corner sofa
TESLA - Corner sofa

Product Type:sofas modular sofas

Tesla corner sofa is a custom-made artisan masterpiece that stands out for its sleek and elegant lines. Every detail of the sofa is crafted with care and artisan precision to ensure uncompromising quality.

Its lines give the sofa a sophisticated and modern appearance that seamlessly fits into any living space.

Every angle and curve is meticulously crafted to create a harmonious and balanced design.

Customization is one of the strengths of the Tesla corner sofa.

Each sofa is made to meet the specific needs of the customer, whether it's special dimensions, customized configurations, or choice of materials.

TESLA - Corner sofa
TESLA - Corner sofa
TESLA - Corner sofa
TESLA - Corner sofa
TESLA - Corner sofa
TESLA - Corner sofa
TESLA - Corner sofa
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