For our company, this 2020 was from the beginning a year of profound innovation, change and rebirth: new projects, nascent collaborations, a lot of research work ...

Our goal was to raise the bar and think big, that's why we started a completely new operation in the field of contemporary furniture, which no longer concerned the single project, collection, product but guided the entire modus operandi company.

This is how "CHROMO SAPIENS" was born, the operation that will coordinate and be the guideline for all our 2020 collections.

What is it about?

Of a completely innovative proposal in the world of furniture & design, which brings the classic tradition and its culture of multicolored matching back to life, adapting and revisiting it in a contemporary key.

Through a careful selection of fabrics, leathers and microfibres, we have created various club covers inspired by basic themes: emotional states, inspiring motifs that guide the entire collection and coordinate the furnishing of an entire room. A color or theme inspires the entire environment, guiding the combination of fabrics and colors between the sofa and the curtain, the chairs and the cushions, creating a unique and harmonious room.

A proposal that anticipates times and fashions, destined to become an evergreen,  because it comes directly from the environment and the sensations it transmits to us, from human sensitivity and our moods.

Various materials (from fabrics to leathers, with an eye to the latest eco and green innovations) all already combined in splendid color clubs to be seen and touched by hand, immediately thinking of what the environment to be furnished will be: a valid help both for the professional's job and for the customer, who will only have to be guided by a single common thread to give life to his dream home!

We have combined our imagination and the undisputed production experience in putting together fabrics and leathers of different nature, in doing this we have imagined "virtual houses" destined as soon as possible to become reality and to satisfy every housing need of our customers.

In short, a journey that has just begun...

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